Empty Problem!

Once a toothpaste factory faced a packaging problem.  Many empty boxes were shipped without the tubes inside.  Therefore, the company hired a consultancy firm to solve the issue. After spending a lot of time and money, the problem was solved.  A high-tech precision scale was installed at the end of the production line.  The scale would trigger a bell(..)

The Giving Takeaways

A baker and a farmer lived in a tiny English village.  The two men had a friendly arrangement where the farmer would sell a pound of butter to the baker each day. One morning, the baker  weighed the butter to see if he’d received the correct amount.  Surprisingly, he discovered that the farmer had sold him less butter than he’d paid for.  Angry(..)

The Deafening Egotism

A project manager feared that his most committed engineer couldn’t hear as well as he used to, and he thought that the engineer might need a hearing aid.   He strategized a simple, informal test he could perform to get a better idea about this hearing loss.  That afternoon, as the manager was walking through the corridor, he noticed his engineer busy(..)

Beneath the Glitter

Beneath the Glitter

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Silver silver on the wall… Ahhh … the magic of the silver(..)

Two Shades of White

A trekker finds a precious stone in a mountain stream. The next day he meets an attractive woman who has lost her way and is starving. The man opens his bag to share his food. The woman sees the precious stone and asks the man to give it to her. He does so without hesitation. The woman leaves, rejoicing. She knew the stone was worth a fortune. But a few(..)

The Shackles of Liberty

An elitist private school was faced with a unique problem, where a bunch of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick. They would apply it in the restroom, which was fine. But after that, they would press their lips on the mirror, leaving dozens of little lip prints. The untidy marks on the mirror caused inconvenience for the rest of the girls during(..)

Rules of Engagement

A worried man once approached a saint who lived near a stream.  “My wife and I are having issues”, he said.  “Each time we argue, we lose our temper and say things we don’t mean.”  The saint gave the man an earthen pot and instructed him to get him some drinking water from the stream.  When the man reached the stream, a bullock cart happened(..)

More Than a Handful

One day a young boy went to the store with his mother. The shopkeeper looked at the small boy, showed him a jar full of candy and said, “Dear boy, you can take some of this candy.” But the young boy didn’t take any. He just stood there and kept looking at the jar full of candy. The shopkeeper was surprised that the boy did not take any candy from(..)

Endearing Endurance

A wise man wanted to teach his four kids the fallacy of judging things too quickly and decides to send them on a journey, one after the other, to a distant tree.  Each youngster was sent in a different season.  At the end of the year, he brought his kids together and asked them what they’d seen. The youngster who’d travelled in winter(..)


A woman is practicing driving in the countryside. The instructor, her husband, is in a terrible mood because of work-related stress. He keeps yelling at her inapt navigation, the erratic speeds, and the jerky brakes. The woman becomes increasingly nervous and shaky with his constant badgering. Eventually, her car swerves off the road, lands into a deep(..)

Slippery Slopes

A newly wed couple is sorting through the gift envelopes. They are elated because the total sum of “congratulations money” has surpassed their wildest expectations. But one strange envelope bothers them. It does not have the sender’s name written on it. Inside, there is no money, only 2 VIP tickets to the concert of a top Bollywood musician scheduled(..)

The Ultimate Glue

In 2005, the US National Basketball Association’s Houston Rockets were looking for a talented player to add to their roster. The usual scouting reports and analyses delivered a list of names. Some of them were unavailable or too expensive, and others did not seem like the right fit for the team.  Then, using advanced analytics capabilities, the(..)

The True Colors

Last week, I saw a colorful Dandiya.  I attended it as one of the guests, standing in a corner, and watching.  The participation was moderate; however, the view was intoxicating.  At least from where I was watching.  How often does one get to witness so many true colors shining through?  I was so mesmerized by the sight that I decided to talk about it(..)

The Artlessness of Delegation

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Lost in the civilization… I shuffled my feet slightly, made a half-hearted attempt to get up. Then sunk back into the comfortable lounge chair and listlessly surveyed the surroundings, yet again. On my front was the deserted “Flight Check-in” counter. On the far right, I could glimpse(..)

The Blunt Edge

Once there was a group of men—a young, hot-blooded guy and a bunch of old folks. Their job was to chop down trees in the jungle.  The young chap was very hard working. He always continued to work through his break time and often complained that the older folk were wasting time, taking breaks throughout the day to drink and chat. As time went by, this(..)

Arun Nathani Blog | CEO Cybage Software Pvt. Ltd.