More Than a Handful

One day a young boy went to the store with his mother. The shopkeeper looked at the small boy, showed him a jar full of candy and said, “Dear boy, you can take some of this candy.” But the young boy didn’t take any. He just stood there and kept looking at the jar full of candy. The shopkeeper was surprised that the boy did not take any candy from(..)

The Rising Sunset

One day a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. On their desk was a question paper with the text facing down, as usual. The students turned the page to begin their test. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot in the centre of the page. The professor, on seeing the expressions(..)

Monkey Business

Monkey Business


Customer Perspective About a century ago, mankind was going(..)

From Bays to Skyscrapers – Part 2


When the logic hangs up Four options in the previous blog, dozen experts…yet we have a hung jury! So when options dry up, what must a blogger do? Flip the blog and retry luck at a different level..moving up from San Francisco bay.. To Manhattan Skyscraper… Arguably, the most branded(..)

The Shaping Ages

Boxing an Inspiration… Generally speaking, the popular management anecdotes revolve around entrepreneurial ‘“wonder years”—the years an entrepreneur learns to ‘walk’. There are not too many case studies that delve on “shaping years”—the years when a successful founder learns to ‘run’ as a CEO. What is the difference, you may ask.(..)

The True Colors

Last week, I saw a colorful Dandiya.  I attended it as one of the guests, standing in a corner, and watching.  The participation was moderate; however, the view was intoxicating.  At least from where I was watching.  How often does one get to witness so many true colors shining through?  I was so mesmerized by the sight that I decided to talk about it(..)

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